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Apricot Feature Card (Rev 1.6.1)

Interrupt Request Level (IRQ)

The daughterboard requires three IRQ's:

  • PCnet-ISA+ Ethernet adapter: set by the feature BIOS Setup utility.
  • Enhanced Business Audio system: set by the Windows device driver.
  • SLCD CD-ROM interface: selected by a switch on the daughterboard.
IRQ Typical Assignment IRQ Defaults and Options
PCnet-ISA+ Audio SLCD
IRQ0 System
IRQ1 Keyboard Controller
IRQ2 Slave Interrupt Controller
IRQ3 Serial Port 2 Option Option
IRQ4 Serial Port 1 Option
IRQ5 Option Default
IRQ6 Diskette Controller
IRQ7 Parallel Port Option
IRQ8 Real Time Clock
IRQ9 Video Option Option
IRQ10 Option Option
IRQ11 Option Default
IRQ12 Mouse Option
IRQ13 Coprocessor
IRQ14 Hard Disk Controller
IRQ15 Option

Rear View


Direct Memory Access (DMA) Channel

The daughterboard requires DMA channels for the following:

  • PCnet-ISA+ Ethernet adapter: set by the feature BIOS Setup utility.
  • Enhanced Business Audio system: set by the Windows device driver.
DMA Typical Assignment DMA Defaults and Options
PCnet-ISA+ Audio
DMA0 Option
DMA1 Option
DMA2 Diskette/Floppy Disk Controller
DMA3 Option Option
DMA4 System
DMA5 Option
DMA6 Option
DMA7 Option

Base Memory Address

The PCnet-ISA+ Ethernet adapter requires 32KBytes (8000h) out of the processors address space for the RPL (Remote Program Load) code in the daughterboards memory. The base memory address specifies where this memory begins. C8000h is used by default; the Feature BIOS Setup utility can assign D8000h instead.

Base input/output (I/O) Port Address

PCnet-ISA+ Ethernet Adapter

The Feature BIOS Setup utility can assign any base I/O port address between 200h and 3A0h in 20h increments.

Enhanced Business Audio System

The audio system can use the I/O ports listed below, selected by a switch on the daughterboard.

  • 534 to 53B Default
    608 to 60F Option
    E84 to E8B Option
    F44 to F4B Option
  • The FM synthesizer also uses 388h to 38Bh; to maintain Ad Lib cmpatability, this cannot be altered.

    SLCD CD-ROM Interface

    The SLCD CD-ROM interface can use the I/O ports listed below, selected by a switch on the daughterboard.

  • 320 to 323 Default
    340 to 343 Option
    350 to 353 Option
    360 to 363 Option
  • Jumpers and Switches

    Switch Pack SW1

    SLCD Interface


    SW1 : 1






    SLCD Interface IRQ Polarity


    SW1 : 2

    SW1 : 3








    SW1 : 4 always set to off


    Audio / SLCD Base I/O Port Addresses


    SW1 : 5

    SW1 : 6

    534h / 320h



    608h / 340h



    E84h / 350h



    F44h / 360h






    SW1 : 7

    SW1 : 8

    IRQ 5



    IRQ 3



    ITALIC settings are default

    SW1 Default positions






    Quick Guide to Security

    Logging-on to the computer
    Changing your pasword
    Logon statistics
    Variations in the logon sequence
    Unattended mode for Microsoft Windows

    Logging-on to the computer

    Every time you turn on or restart the computer you can expect to go through a logon sequence. This typically involves an infrared device called a KeyLOC card, a user name and a password.

    Changing your password

    After typing your user name and password in the User Logon dialog box, select the Change Password check box before choosing OK. The Change Password dialog box appears.

    Type a new password in the New Password text box, and repeat it in the Confirm text box. A password can have up to eight characters, selected from A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and space. The security system may enforce a minimum password length

    Choose the OK button to make the change, or Cancel to keep your existing password. Any change you make will come into effect when you next logon. 

    Logon statistics

    When you logon, some logon statistics are displayed, for example:

    No of valid logons 11, last valid logon 21-09-94
    No of invalid logons 2, Last valid logon 04-09-94

    The number of valid and invalid logons, and the last invalid logon date, are statistics that are the same for all users. The last valid logon relates only to you; it records the last date on which you (or someone using your user account) logged on. These statistics can be reset from time to time by the Master user.

    Variations in the logon sequence

    There are some possible variations in the logon sequence, depending on the details of the security configuration:

    There is an optional feature known as Quick Logon. If this feature is enabled, you will not have to go through the logon sequence every time you want to use the computer.

    Instead, the following message is displayed:

    Press ALT+L for Logon Sequence

    If you press ALT+L within 2 seconds of this message appearing, the logon sequence is started as described earlier. If you do nothing, you will be automatically logged-on using a "standard" or "default" user account.

    The Master user may have decided to disable the alarm and/or set a null lockout period. If no lockout period is specified, the system allows unlimited logon attempts.

    Unattended mode for Microsoft Windows

    An optional enhancement to the security system called LOCSaver ofers an unattended mode for the Microsoft Windows operating system. When leaving the computer unattended for a time, you can click the button on your KeyLOC card to obscure the screen and lock the keyboard and mouse; Windows continues working "behind the scenes". When you return, another click of the button cancels unattended mode. Ask the Master user if the computer has this feature.

    Remember, if there's anything about the security system you don't understand, ask the Master user.


    Computing for a Connected World