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Data Flex V34 Voice Surfer
(Rev 1.12.1)


Data V. 34 28800 bps
V.32bis 14400 bps
V.32 9600 bps
V.22bis 2400 bps
V.22 1200 bps
V.21 300 bps
V.23 1200/75 bps
Bell 212A 1200 bps
Bell 103 300 bps
Fax V.17 14400 bps
V.29 9600 bps FAX
V.27ter 4800 bps FAX
V.21 Channel-2 300 bps
Group 3
EIA Class 1
Voice Answering machine functionality
Auto detection of Data / Fax / Voice


Auto modem configuration;

  • Windows 95 - Com Ports 1 to 4 and IRQ's 2 to 5 plus 10, 11, 12 & 15
    Windows 3.x - Com Ports 1 to 4 and IRQ's 2, 3, 4, 5

  • Hayes compatible AT command set
    Tone and pulse dialing
    DTE rate up to 115,200 bps
    Error correction V.42 LAPM, MNP 2, 3 & 4
    Data compression V.42bis and MNP 5
    Auto retain

    Known Limitations At This Time


    1. Since the product is a software or Host Signal Processing (HSP) modem there is some processing over head when the modem is in use. An example of this is when the ATI MPEG player is in operation and the Modem answers a call, the user can see the MPEG player pause during the answering of the call.
    2. The current driver (Ver 2.15PAC) does not support power management modes when the modem is being used to automatically take voice of fax calls. The Easy Manager 2 software for Trent currently compensates for this issue. N.B. If this card is used in Diamond (not qualified or recommended) and the Standby Button is pressed, any incoming calls will cause the system to reboot. With the driver loaded and no telephony applications running the system can be safely put into Standby.
    3. The card has the following available hardware interrupts :-
      IRQ 3, IRQ 4, IRQ 5, IRQ 6, IRQ 7 and IRQ 9 (Recommended)
      The card has the following COM port selections in this order :-
      COM 3 (Recommended), COM 4, COM 2, COM 1
    4. The card will automatically configure as Com 3 IRQ 9 under Windows 95 which is the recommended setting for this card.
    5. The card does works under a Windows 95 DOS box only. It will not work under native DOS or a Windows 95 system rebooted to DOS. This is due to the product being a software modem and its software requiring a multi-tasking environment to operate.
    6. The card is an ISA Plug and Play device.
    7. Minimum system requirements for this modem are Pentium 90, 8MB memory and Windows 95.
    8. If installing the drivers onto a system for the first time, after they have been installed the system must be rebooted before they will take affect.


    Computing for a Connected World