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XEN-S Venus I BIOS Revision Summary (Rev 1.1.38)

Release Date Changes
1.2.3 10/10/88 During initialisation the SCSI code was corrupting the NMI vector, this could have caused a system crash on Parity or other NMI.
Time-out duration for SCSI device search extended to allow greater chance of detecting Syquest drives.
Sign on text corrected - cosmetic change only. 
1.2.4 22/10/88 Winchester type 38 parking cylinder changed from 615 to 663 MiniScribe 30MB drive.
Chipset shadowing and EMS disabled on boot (including CTRL-ALT-DEL) this ensures that EMS or shadowing is disabled correctly between boots.
VGA set the 8-bit interface only if CGA or MDA card found to be co-resident.
RAM configurations now supported are:
Total Ram Bank 0 Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3
1MB 256KB 256KB - -
2MB 1MB - - -
3MB 256KB 256KB 1MB -
5MB 256KB 256KB 1MB 1MB

Removed Error message when no floppy fitted (for diskless) - set ONBDLAN to TRUE.
RAM allocation algorithm changed to allow data segment to be moved by TSR's or .SYS files(this allows WINDOWS 386 to run with a suitable version of the network stack or AMODE.EXE.
The RAM allocated by SCSI or Remote boot code is pointed to by a segment address word at 04DEh absolute - this is now reserved by Apricot location.
DMA channels used by Ethernet disconnected if Ethernet disabled.

1.2.4 9/12/88 Winchester type 40 added for Toshiba RLL 65MB drive
Remove references to 80286 or 80386 from signon for XEN-s (could be 286 or 386).
Floppy init. routines modified to override CMOS settings with drive type 4 if drive found but CMOS incorrect.
Movable memory scheme still wasn't working properly due to Omninet chip being loaded with a physical address of the data segment at init. time only.
When DS is moved the chip was not reprogrammed.
Reprogramming is now done on every Omninet command. 
1.2.5 15/12/88 Loadall emulation is required for the XEN-s series as only some machines are 286. An extra switch has therefore been added 'LALLEMU'. It is OR'ed with the I80386 switch, so if either is true, loadall emulation will be included.
VGA drivers have been modified.
Apricot logo modified to correct aspect ratio. 
1.2.5 15/12/88 The NEAT Chipset was being incorrectly programmed in such a way that the A20 address line could not be gated by standard software - this could have caused problems with certain programs such as Basic and early versions of Wordstar.
Correction to memory initialisation code. If Omninet found that SCSI had already set-up the RAM data area it left its own data segment (DS) incorrect.
Int. 13h Func 80h restored to just returning the sector size (physical). a new function(83h) was added to take over the old function 80h where ES:BX is the pointer to the SCSI drive table. This is because IO.SYS did not cater for Func 80h corrupting ES.
All SCSI drives now have 32spt (512 byte sectors) and 64 heads. This gives 1MB per cylinder. A consequence of this is that old drives need to be re-fdisked and formatted if they are to be used with the new ROM's.
This falls in line with the IBM way of dealing with large disks or disks of unknown physical format.
The Chipset initialisation routines have been modified to disable page interleave mode when there are an odd number of DRAM banks(e.g. 2MB RAM card), and also to set DRAM wait states to 1 in this case - this could correct problems with Windows 386 and other memory thrashing programs, but will impact performance on 3MB machines(1MB and 5MB machines will be faster). Also the option to use SETNEAT1 to configure the Chipset can now be disabled by using the PASSWORD disable switch (Disables both password and SETNEAT configuration). The 8-bit memory AT bus command delay has now been set to 0 cycle(was 1 cycle). Initialisation code checks for 212 or 212b memory controller and sets Gate A20 control bit as appropriate, also all reserved 212 bits are now set to 1 to allow correct operation of non-B part. When attempting to remote boot from a missing Ethernet network the code did not correctly give the Node address and error messages during the time-out - now corrected. 
 1.2.6 20/1/89 Machine has no colour/Mono switch for selection of CGA or MDA (port is tied to colour setting) - code now uses CMOS RAM. MDA card setting as Mono switch - this should allow system with MDA cards fitted to be set up correctly.
Modifications for 10MHz only build incorporated.
From mod 21. Function 83h was not added into the range variable for function checking. Now corrected.
Normal Winchesters (not removable) started failing the new search algo.
Corrected. Removable Winchesters should still use ID 5. 
1.2.7 20/1/89 Corrected Write Pre comp. cylinders for drive types:

36 (CDC 122MB) 0(whole disk)
38 (MiniScribe 30MB) 300
40 (Toshiba 65MB) 512

Modifications for 10MHz only build incorporated - enabled by VEN10M equate (ifdef), crashes if faster than 10MHz or on 386SX.
Chipset Initialisation code rewritten to support differences between 212 and 212B memory controllers, as pr SETNEAT3.
Optional flags implemented in CMOS:1(Byte 42 bit 2) to allow shadowing of a phantom VGA BIOS ROM to address 0C0000h (allows installation of IBM OS/2); 2(Byte 42 bits 3 & 4) to allow shadowing of VGA/EGA ROM's for 16K at C0000h and C4000h.
Support for Chips SETNEAT program removed. Optional Chipset override data can be set in CMOS by setting flags at 44h = 12h, 45h = 34h followed by register/data pairs, terminating in a 0 register address (Apricot debug use only).
I/O Channel wait states and command delays changed to C&T defaults 5 w/s on 8-bit, 2 w/s on 16-bit AT cycles; 2 clock delay on I/O cycles; 1 clock delay on 8-bit memory, no clock delay on 16-bit memory.
Modified Int. 10h function 1Ah to return AX=1A1Ah instead of 001Ah as per IBM spec.
Int. 15h, Function C0h sub model byte return fixed as 01h (8MHz AT) for all machines (problems with OS/2 Machine Identification).
Reset all write protect bits on soft reset (cures problem with AMODE LOCK).
ADDMEM changed to reflect code size change.
VGA Video Memory transfers set to 16-bit for all configurations - masks problem with 16-bit decode PAL and allows use of secondary (Mono) video in the system.
Optional flag in CMOS (Byte 42 bit 7) to allow use of Shadow RAM at EC000h for SCSI/Remote Boot data area - may be required for 3rd party operating system support.
Optional flag word in CMOS (Byte 34h = 54h) to allow use of scan codes instead of ASCII for password verification (required for support of foreign language keyboards) using suitable versions of KP.EXE or SETUP.EXE.
Apricot ROM revision changed to 4 to reflect this capability.
Logo signon set to maximum speed.
Serial and parallel time-outs increased for 386SX processor.
Parallel printer print routine error checking code corrected - cures problem with printing under GEM and FoxBase.

1.2.8 13/3/89 Chipset initialisation changed to 0 clock delay on 8-bit memory - corrects problems with video on some machines. 
1.2.9 29/3/89 Temporary stack initialised to 30:80h on all returns to real mode, corrects problems with WD7000-FAST SCSI controller.
Video Mode 7 underline position corrected, Corrects Word /h and Display Write problems.
Bug Fixes for REV G 82C206 tidied & modified, helps CMOS reliability. 
1.2.10 22/5/89 Chipset initialisation changed to give AT bus I/O command delay of 1 (was 2), and AT bus 16-bit cycle wait states of 3 (was 2) - this is to meet the C&T bus timing requirements for the 451 VGA chip.
Interrupt 'window' in Hard Disk driver code closed - could cause problems with CDOS and fast Winchester subsystems.
Major rework of Chipset initialisation to correct marginal problems on 386SX builds with video failures.
Initial support for 1MB daughter card. Requires User to enter total RAM size into CMOS to allow distinction between 2MB and 5MB RAM machines. - This will require a new version of SETUP.EXE (V1.2.6).
Scancode flag now cleared along with password switch is set to off - allows recovery from mixed use of old/new KP.EXE.
1023 Cylinder variant of CDC drive to allow for Defect Cylinder map introduced - drive type 37.
A variable was set incorrectly so that if we used 'hidden' ram and then found we had no SCSI cards, the wrong amount of memory was returned to DOS. 
1.2.11 21/6/89 Cylinder-1 variants of CDC/MiniScribe/Seagate drive types for Defect Cylinder support included as Types 37,39,47 (old type +1).
EMS wait states set to 1 for all memory configurations, used to be set to 0 for configurations with even numbers of DRAM banks. 
1.2.12 11/7/89 Reset from protected mode changed to CR0 from Port 92h/8042 (Auto CAD fix).
Winchester types Added/Removed 
Removed Added
Type 30 Newbury 40MB Type 30 Seagate ST157A Native
Type 31 Nippon 20MB Type 31 MiniScribe 8051A Native
Type 32 Nippon 30MB Type 32 Quantum Pro Drive 40AT
Type 33 NatPan 20MB Type 33 Quantum Pro Drive 80AT


1.2.13 19/10/89 Added support for 8MB memory card.
New build added to produce ROM's containing Novell remote boot.
They do not contain SCSI, Omninet or Ethernet (VX-NET/LANMAN) support. 
1.2.14 +Novell Remote boot (NRB), 8/2/90, Removed jump from Int. 10 to Int.6D to video code. Now Int. 10 goes straight to video code. Fixed DECnet problem. 
1.2.14 28/2/90 Problems encountered with 1.2.14 build. So ROM's re-released as 1.2.15's. 
1.2.15 8/3/90 Stopped corruption of AX at the start of the CHIPINIT routine. This cured the warm boot memory error problem with 82C212 and 82C212B chips.
Included support for new hard disk - 170 MB Quantum. Type 39.
Replaces old type 39 (RLL MiniScribe 30MB w/defect table).
Stopped shut-down type 07 being written into CMOS when exiting protected mode on a 386SX. This is the /286 method of entering real mode. Using this method on a 386SX caused 386 LIM memory drivers to crash on reboot. 
1.2.16 11/5/90 Added code to take note of CMOS byte 41h bit 5 to slow the I/O bus to 3 wait states. Requires new version of Generic reference disk to support this option.
New build supported Venus 2. Should make Venus 1 build obsolete as soon boards are in production. Venus 1 build retained for field updates.
Software video disable for Venus 2. This utilises port 02Bh to disable the 451 on board.
ROM's signon for Venus 2 changed to "XEN-S II BIOS". This enables easier identification of Venus 1 and Venus 2 ROM's - to try to prevent confusion !
Added conditional compile statements so that different builds of ROM's can have different correction numbers (to align on 16 Byte boundaries). 
11/5/90 Changed call address for Novell remote boot code - because it's now inserted in a different place.
Altered type 30 (Seagate ST157A Native) - Number of cylinders was wrong.
Included a new type 29 - Seagate ST125A Native. This replaces the old NEC D3126 20MB. 
23/5/90 Fix for CTRL-ALT-DEL with lim 386 driver loaded (CDS PRF No 332).
Fix for CTRL-ALT-DEL with extended memory set, and the correct detection of 82C212 and 82C212B chip. 
1.2.16 NRB 30/5/90 Added code to check if a security processor exists. If not, security is ignored.
Secure Floppy boot now uses a global bit in the SDP registers to enable Floppy boot.
Took out 452 routines for things like write dot and scrolling routines. 
1.2.17 NRB 16/10/90
3.10.17 4/9/91 Change CRCT values to match IBM VGA.
New logo implemented.
Support for 8-bit Video cards.
Fixes bug in Int. 10 mode 11 function 09 when writing char attribute of 00.
Fixes for ATLAS software problems.
Fixes IBM Link way problems.
Support for 50 and 100 MB Quantum drives added.



Computing for a Connected World