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FT5000 - (Sitka motherboard) - System Resources

System I/O addresses

The following table shows the location in I/O space of all directly I/O-accessible registers.

Address Resource Device Notes
0000h - 000Fh   DMA Controller 1 PIIX4E
0010h - 001Fh DMA Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0000h-000Fh
0020h - 0021h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E
0022h - 0023h
0024h - 0025h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h-0021h
0026h - 0027h
0028h - 0029h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h-0021h
002Ah - 002Bh
002Ch - 002Dh Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h-0021h
002Eh - 002Fh Super I/O Index and Data Ports
0030h - 0031h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h-0021h
0032h - 0033h
0034h - 0035h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h-0021h
0036h - 0037h
0038h - 0039h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h-0021h
003Ah - 003Bh
003Ch - 003Dh Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h-0021h
003Eh - 003Fh
0040h - 0043h Programmable Timers PIIX4E
0044h - 004Fh
0050h - 0053h Programmable Timers PIIX4E Aliased from 0040h-0043h
0054h - 005Fh
0060h, 0064h Keyboard Controller Keyboard chip select from 87307
0061h NMI Status & Control Register PIIX4E
0063h NMI Status & Control Register PIIX4E Aliased
0065h NMI Status & Control Register PIIX4E Aliased
0067h NMI Status & Control Register PIIX4E Aliased
0070h NMI Mask (bit 7) & RTC Address (bits 6::0) PIIX4E
0072h NMI Mask (bit 7) & RTC Address (bits 6::0) PIIX4E Aliased from 0070h
0074h NMI Mask (bit 7) & RTC Address (bits 6::0) PIIX4E Aliased from 0070h
0076h NMI Mask (bit 7) & RTC Address (bits 6::0) PIIX4E Aliased from 0070h
0071h RTC Data PIIX4E
0073h RTC Data PIIX4E Aliased from 0071h
0075h RTC Data PIIX4E Aliased from 0071h
0077h RTC Data PIIX4E Aliased from 0071h
0080h - 008Fh DMA Low Page Register PIIX4E
0090h - 0091h DMA Low Page Register (aliased) PIIX4E
0092h System Control Port A (PC-AT control Port) (this port not aliased in DMA range) PIIX4E
0093h - 009Fh DMA Low Page Register (aliased) PIIX4E
0094h Video Display Controller
00A0h - 00A1h Interrupt Controller 2 PIIX4E
00A4h - 00A15 Interrupt Controller 2 (aliased) PIIX4E
00A8h - 00A19 Interrupt Controller 2 (aliased) PIIX4E
00Ach - 00Adh Interrupt Controller 2 (aliased) PIIX4E
00B0h - 00B1h Interrupt Controller 2 (aliased) PIIX4E
00B2h Advanced Power Management Control PIIX4E
00B3h Advanced Power Management Status PIIX4E
00B4h - 00B5h Interrupt Controller 2 (aliased) PIIX4E
00B8h - 00B9h Interrupt Controller 2 (aliased) PIIX4E
00BCh - 00BDh Interrupt Controller 2 (aliased) PIIX4E
00C0h - 00DFh DMA Controller 2 PIIX4E
00F0h Clear NPX error Resets IRQ13
00F8h - 00FFh x87 Numeric Coprocessor
0102h Video Display Controller
0170h - 0177h Secondary Fixed Disk Controller (IDE) PIIX4E Not used
01F0h - 01F7h Primary Fixed Disk Controller (IDE) PIIX4E
0200h - 0207h Game I/O Port Not used
0220h - 022Fh Serial Port A
0238h - 023Fh Serial Port B
0278h - 027Fh Parallel Port 3
02E8h - 02Efh Serial Port B
02F8h - 02FFh Serial Port B
0338h - 033Fh Serial Port B
0370h - 0375h Secondary Diskette
0376h Secondary IDE
0377h Secondary IDE/Diskette
0378h - 037Fh Parallel Port 2
03B4h - 03Bah Monochrome Display Port
03BCh - 03BFh Parallel Port 1 (Primary)
03C0h - 03CFh Video Display Controller
03D4h - 03DAh Color Graphics Controller
03E8h - 03EFh Serial Port A
03F0h - 03F5h Diskette Controller
03F6h - 03F7h Primary IDE - Sec. Diskette
03F8h - 03FFh Serial Port A (Primary)
0400h - 043Fh DMA Controller 1, Extended Mode Registers PIIX4E
04D0h - 04D1h Interrupt Controllers 1 and 2 Control Register
0678h - 067Ah Parallel Port (ECP)
0778h - 077Ah Parallel Port (ECP)
07BCh - 07BEh Parallel Port (ECP)
0CA0 - CA3h BMC Registers
0CF8h PCI CONFIG_ADDRESS Register Located in 450NX
0CF9h NBX Turbo and Reset control PIIX4E
0CFCh PCI CONFIG_DATA Register Located in 450NX
46E8h Video Display Controller


Memory map

Address Range (hex) Amount Function
0 to 07FFFFh 640 KB DOS region, base system memory
0A0000h to 0BFFFFh 128 KB Video or SMM memory
0C0000h and 0DFFFFh 128 KB Add-in board BIOS and buffer area
0E0000h to 0FFFFFh 128 KB System BIOS
0E0000h to 0EFFFFh 2 MB Extended system BIOS
FC000000h to FFFFFFFFh 64 MB PCI memory space



The table below recommends the logical interrupt mapping of interrupt sources; it reflects a typical configuration, but these interrupts can be changed by the user. Use the information to determine how to program each interrupt.

The actual interrupt map is defined using configuration registers in the PIIX4E and the I/O controller. I/O Redirection Registers in the I/O APIC are provided for each interrupt signal; the signals define hardware interrupt signal characteristics for APIC messages sent to local APIC(s).

To disable either IDE controller and reuse the interrupt: if you plan to disable either IDE controller to reuse the interrupt for that controller, you must physically unplug the IDE cable from the board connector (IDE0) if a cable is present. Simply disabling the drive by configuring the SSU option does not make the interrupt available.

Interrupt I/O APIC level Description
INTR INT0 Processor interrupt
NMI N/A NMI from PIC to processor
IRQ1 INT1 Keyboard interrupt
Cascade INT2 Interrupt signal from second 8259 in PIIX4E
IRQ3 INT3 Serial port A or B interrupt from SIO device (user can configure)
IRQ4 INT4 Serial port A or B interrupt from SIO device (user can configure)
IRQ5 INT5 Parallel port II
IRQ6 INT6 Diskette port
IRQ7 INT7 Parallel port
IRQ8_L INT8 RTC interrupt
IRQ9 INT9 Signal control interrupt (SCI) used by ACPI-compliant OS
IRQ12 INT12 Mouse interrupt
IRQ14 INT14 Compatibility IDE interrupt from primary channel IDE devices 0 and 1
SMI_L System management interrupt—general purpose indicator sourced by the PIIX4E and BMC through the PID to the processors



Computing for a Connected World