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Info Guide GEN001:
PCMCIA Installation and Recommendations

Generally PCMCIA cards are shipped with their own drivers as supplied by the manufacturer. These are usually third party drivers and the two most popular are supplied by Phoenix and SystemSoft (otherwise known as Cardsoft). Most products will work with both of these software suites. What follows are installation notes and known problems with both of these sets of software.

Please note that Apricot supply the Phoenix software with the LS Pro, the Cardsoft (SystemSoft) notes are for reference only.

Phoenix Installation
Cardsoft Installation
Windows 95 Beta

(10th March 1994)

Phoenix Installation

Before starting the installation make a copy of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files.

You then must edit the CONFIG.SYS file. The line Device=EMM386.SYS must not contain within it any reference to x=. This is because the software will allocate its own memory when it installs (see the sample CONFIG.SYS below).

Remove all PCMCIA cards from the system and reboot.

Insert the installation disk in Drive A: and type INSTALL (Enter).Follow the on screen instructions but select Advanced Mode to setup the system. The LS Pro has two PCMCIA sockets and the software recognises this and proceeds with the installation accordingly. Note, please refer to problems below.

Phoenix Issues

The Phoenix software defaults to Interrupt 15 on installation. This is an illegal interrupt as it is unavailable to the new version of Phoenix software. In previous versions, interrupt requests were set in CONFIG.SYS by using switches (e.g. /I=15). The new version uses a file called PCM.INI with all its relevant settings, and although it defaults to 15 it will not recognise any PCMCIA cards when set to this. Setting the interrupt to 10 will cure this problem. Also if you intend to use a Token Ring card please note that the speed setting (MBPS) is on this page).

Socket/Card Services Interrupt: 10
Socket/Card Services (C.I.S) Memory Window: C800-C80F
Ring Speed (MB/s): 16
Card Settle Time: 660

The Phoenix software also defaults the Fax/Modem card to Com2. The LS-Pro uses Com2 by default settings in the BIOS. The Phoenix software should be set to Com3 or Com4. If you do not intend to use a Fax/modem card it is preferred that you answer the question yes and specify the Com port. This is because the software, although it recognises that you do not wish to use a Fax/Modem card still attempts to allocate the Com port, resulting in an error on Boot.

IBM Token Ring 16/4 Adapter II

The IBM Token Ring 16/4 Adapter II can cause a few configuration problems. Once PCM+ has been installed it is important to execute the Phoenix Resource Manager utility, PCMRMAN.EXE. PCMRMAN.EXE allows a user to see the resources that are available to PCMCIA cards, under PCM+. There are three such resources; Interrupts, I/O ranges and Memory address ranges. Due to a fault within the software IRQ9 is registered as unavailable.

In order for the IBM Token Ring card to make use of IRQ9 PCMRMAN must be executed in order to include it in the supported interrupt list used by PCM+. To free IRQ9, execute PCMRMAN and select the MODIFY menu option. Within this option select INTERRUPTS. A list of the available interrupts will then be displayed. Cursor down to Interrupt 9 and using the space bar toggle the interrupt status to INCLUDED and hit enter to invoke this change. Exit PCMRMAN and ensure that all changes are saved prior to exit.

With PCM+ installed and PCMRMAN executed the system can be rebooted in order to load the PCM+ card/socket services software.

Once booted the IBM Token Ring card can be inserted into either Socket #0 or #1 of the PCMCIA daughterboard. An audible bleep will be heard when the card is inserted and PCM+ recognises the card’s identity. To configure the card it is necessary to execute PCM.EXE.

Within PCM.EXE the configuration of the IBM Token Ring card can be changed. DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT PROVIDED BY PHOENIX - ITS INCORRECT. The best fit configuration found for the Token Ring card is as follows:

Interrupt 9
Port Address A20-A23h
Memory #1 D8000 - DBFFF
Memory #2 D0000 - D1FFF

Once modified PCM+ will save the changes and the card can now be used as a network interface card.

Install the IBM Token Ring Adapter Drivers disk. Remember to set the Mbps to the Same value as the Mbps in the PCMSETUP program.

Next copy TOKEN.COM and TOKENCS.COM from the disk accompanying the PCMCIA card. When this is done modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT. At the bottom of this file add the following


(the lines in UPPERCASE may already be present if the network client is loaded)

Save AUTOEXEC.BAT, insert the Token Ring Adapter and reboot the computer. The system should now recognise the Token Ring PCMCIA adapter.

The card will support hot swapping but this is not advisable when connected to the network as it may cause a network crash.

Apex Data 10Base Ethernet

Apex market a 10BaseT Ethernet card. The software to support it comes on a disk. An install routine is included and the software will be copied to a directory called Apexlan on the hard disk. Next PCM must be started and Configure selected. The IRQ address must be changed to 9 or the card will not work. Once this is done the AUTOEXEC.BAT must be modified to read as follows


then copy the files LSL.COM,IPXODI.COM AND NETX.EXE to your Apexlan directory.

(the lines in UPPERCASE may already be present)

The card will support hot swapping but this is not advisable when connected to the network as it may cause a network crash.

Psion DACOM Gold Card V32 Modem

The Psion DACOM Gold card will work under PCM software. Insert the card and change to the PCM3 directory and run PCM. Using Page up and Page down to find its entry. Select Configure and Add Card To List. Next using Tab set its IO Window to 3e8 and 3ef, and its interrupt to 4 (or 2e8 and 2ef with interrupt 3). Upon saving this the modem will be operational under Com3 (Com4).

Mitsubishi Electric Melfax v32 FAX / Modem Card

The Mitsubishi Electric Melfax v32 FAX\Modem Card 14400bps installs with no problems, but the same applies as with the Psion Dacom Card with respect to the PCM settings.

US Robotics Worldport series

The US Robotics Worldport series has no installation problems, but again reference to Psion Dacom Card installation notes above.

Adaptec (Trantor) SCSI II Card

When using the Adaptec SCSI II cards with a hard disk on the SCSI bus an intermittent drive read error can occur. This causes the drive not to be recognised until the machine is rebooted. To cure this the PCM Super Client Drivers must be disabled. This is done by removing from the CONFIG.SYS the line


This should only be done if necessary.

Other Cards

There are available on the market RS232 serial I/O cards. These form the basis of many add-ons such as Global Positioning Units and Floppy disk extenders. We have tried various manufacturers products, most notably those supplied by Peak Development, with no problems.

Some cards will not work with the Phoenix software installed. The Apex Token ring adapter manufactured by Olicom comes with its own enabler which must be used instead of the PCM software. This means that no other PCMCIA card will work in the machine. The Software comes on a disk and once the install routine has been run it adds a line to the end of the CONFIG.SYS. This line must be moved to the beginning of CONFIG.SYS for the Card to work.

The Apex Soundblaster 16 Bit card will not work in LS Pro at this time.

Sample CONFIG.SYS for Phoenix

rem **Any Reference to X= and I= must be removed before Installation**

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Cardsoft Installation

Before starting the installation make a copy of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files.

You then must edit the CONFIG.SYS file. The line Device=EMM386.SYS must contain within it x=c800-cfff. This excludes a section of memory for use by the PCMCIA driver (if this line doesn’t exist then it must be added. See the sample CONFIG.SYS below).

Remove all PCMCIA cards from the system and reboot.

Insert the installation disk in Drive A: and type install (Enter).

The programme will then install the software. It is worth noting that the LS Pro has a two slot PCMCIA adapter. The software will automatically add the drivers to CONFIG.SYS and then will create a file called CSALLOC.INI. This file tells the software what interrupts and memory locations are free. It is important that no PCMCIA cards are inserted at this point. This then completes the installation.

Remove the disk and reboot.

Cardsoft Issues

If when the machine re-boots you have errors reported it is worth checking the configuration files. Check that CONFIG.SYS contains the lines as in the sample below after the rem statement. Then check the file CSALLOC.INI. It should contain a line starting mem= which should be the same as the x= statement in CONFIG.SYS. If it isn’t, run CSALLOC.EXE with the switches /g and /d. Remember that no PCMCIA cards should be inserted, and that a reboot will be necessary after.

Some cards when hot swapped do not beep. This does not necessarily mean that it hasn’t been recognised. SystemSoft supply a program called CARDINFO.EXE that will identify whether it has recognised the new card.

On the LS Pro the sound is controlled by a Crystal Sound Device. This is installed with a default of IRQ 11, but it also uses IRQ 7 as well. Sometimes the SystemSoft software does not recognise this and assumes that this IRQ is free and allocates it to itself. This means that when Windows boots, a message appears saying it cannot find VSNDSYS.386. The file CSALLOC.INI must be edited and the line beginning IRQ= must be edited to remove the 7. If at a later date CSALLOC.EXE is run then CSALLOC.INI will have to be re edited.

Some cards will not work with the Cardsoft software enabled. The Apex Token ring adapter manufactured by Olicom comes with its own enabler which must be used instead of the Cardsoft software. This means that no other PCMCIA card will work in the machine. The same is true with their Soundblaster 16 Bit card. Its own enabler must be used.

Sample CONFIG.SYS for Cardsoft

rem **The X=C800-CFFF statement must be added before Installation**

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Windows 95 Beta

Windows 95 on the LS Pro gives PCMCIA support (called Plug and Play). All the cards listed above in the text of this document all work under Windows 95. However no definitive testing can be undertaken until Windows 95 is officially launched.

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