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Single User I.P.B. 1052 27th October 1994 (POB)
Department Category Implementation
Single User Software Advisory
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LOC Technology / Security Versions 1+2

Please be advised that Apricot have released LOC Technology version 2 to run in the new LS Pro and XEN-PCLS machines.

Version 1 was used on machines that had the Security system run by a combination of hardware through the security processor, real time clock, and the CMOS interfaced with an I/O port, and the software was loaded by floppy disk.

Version 2 has a number of advantages over version 1 the main one being the ease of configuration.

The LS Pro and XEN-PCLS use LOC Technology Version 2 which is entirely run by software already written into the CMOS. This can be accessed by choosing security in the system setup so there is no need to purchase the software as an add on package as in version 1. Thus Version 1 has now been made obsolete unless a security upgrade is needed for the older machines.

The equipment required to run the version 2 security in DOS is a Security Card (Part Number JP42145). However, if just a power on password is the only requirement then the card is not needed. Up to now there is no solution to screen blanking in Windows but that may follow in the near future.



Computing for a Connected World