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Hardware I.P.B. 4001 27th February 1989 (JS)
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XEN-S and Qi Product Range - Operational Specification of Winchester Disk Drives

Now Apricot Computer Systems are not supplied with software already installed on the hard disks, System Centres are formatting the Winchesters on delivery. This may cause a problem when the systems have been subject to low temperatures overnight.

If the Winchesters are formatted at temperatures which are out of specification, the head alignment will alter due to expansion, causing the Winchester to fail when warm. Always format or load software at room temperature. This will ensure the Winchester operates at both ends of the temperature range.

MiniScribe 30MB
Operative 5 degrees C to 50 degrees C
Operative Thermal Gradient 10 degrees C/hr
Seagate 50MB
Operative 10 degrees C to 45 degrees C
Operative Thermal Gradient 10 degrees C/hr
Where systems have been subject to low temperatures, the time to reach operative temp can be up to 2 hours. Please check the temperature on the Winchester before formatting after overnight delivery.
The Winchester disk drive fails after a short period of time.
The Winchester must be formatted and loaded at operational temperature.



Computing for a Connected World