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Hardware I.P.B. 4011 30th October 1989 (NT)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Monitors Connected to VX FT range

If a monitor is connected and running from the UPS power output during a power fail cycle the monitor screen may blank out. This is due to a short break in supply from the UPS, as the inverter stage is energised, causing the monitor PSU to shut down.

The problem is currently under investigation, but until a solution is found please adopt one of the following practises :-

If the monitor is not being used under normal operating conditions, leave it switched off until such time as the power fails and the alarms sound.

If the monitor is in use as the mains supply fails and picture is lost, switch the monitor off for approximately 1 minute and then back on. This will clear the monitor PSU shut-down and restore the picture.



Computing for a Connected World