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Networking I.P.B. 2130 6th May 1993 (JDK)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software Advisory
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Recommended NetWare v3.11 Updates

Since the release of NetWare v3.11, Novell have released a number of updates to fix various problems found in the initial product. Although most of these have already been documented in previous IPBs, they are documented together here for convenience. Apricot recommend that all these updates be implemented on NetWare v3.11 servers.

SBACKUP v3.11b (download from File Area 37 of the Apricot BBS as SBACKUP.ZIP)

Includes fixes for a number of problems with added name spaces, abends if no working directory is specified, speed improvements and a number of other fixes.

SBACKUP recommendations:

  • DO NOT USE APPENDED BACKUPS (dependant on the version of SBACKUP and the tape hardware in use it may not be possible to restore from them!).
  • DO NOT UNLOAD AND RELOAD SBACKUP. Unloading SBACKUP causes system resources not to be released, and repeatedly unloading and reloading SBACKUP may cause the server to ABEND.

MONITOR v1.75 (downloadable from File Area 37 of the Apricot BBS as MON175.ZIP)

Version 1.75 of MONITOR.NLM fixes a problem seen in earlier releases which could cause an 'Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (GPPE)' error if MONITOR was left loaded for extended periods. It also fixes a problem where a locked server console could become unlocked if PSERVER was unloaded remotely.

PSERVER & RPRINTER (downloadable from File Area 37 of the BBS as PSERV2.ZIP)

PSERV2.ZIP includes updates to PSERVER.EXE (1.36), PSERVER.NLM (1.27) and PSERVER.VAP (1.26), along with RPRINTER.EXE (1.26). These updates fix a number of printer related problem in NetWare; see PSERV2.DOC for details.

VREPAIR 2.18 (downloadable from Area 37 in the NetWare 3.11 Patch Kit - 311PTD.ZIP)

Fixes problems in the previous releases whereby a number of FAT and directory entry table corruptions would not be detected and repaired.

IDE.DSK v3.11 (downloadable from File Area 37 of the Apricot BBS as IDE386.ZIP)

This disk driver should be used in place of ISADISK.DSK on all systems that use an IDE disk, such as the XEN-LS II, XEN-LS and LS Pro. A number of fixes and enhancements over the original ISADISK driver have been made, including fixing a problem that could cause a server to hang under heavy loading.



Computing for a Connected World