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Networking I.P.B. 2132 14th May 1993 (JDK)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software Advisory
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NetWare Workstations and MS-DOS 6

As discussed in IPB 2129, Novell have released a version of NetWare shell that operates correctly with MS-DOS 6.0. Version 3.32 of NETX.EXE (and also BNETX.EXE, EMSNETX.EXE and XMSNETX.EXE) all load correctly on top of MS-DOS 6.0, so long as the following points are noted.

MS-DOS 6.0 when installed, places the DOS program SETVER.EXE into CONFIG.SYS. SETVER.EXE is used by MS-DOS to fool some MS-DOS version specific programs into thinking that they are running on a different version of DOS to that which is actually running. The MS-DOS 6.0 supplied version of SETVER has an entry in its version number table for NETX.COM and NETX.EXE.

If version 3.32 of NETX.EXE (or the other shell files) is loaded, and SETVER is also loaded in its default state, SETVER will cause NETX to think it is running on top of DOS 5.

To stop this from happening, either remove NETX.COM and NETX.EXE from the SETVER table (by running SETVER NETX.COM /DELETE and SETVER NETX.EXE /DELETE), or if SETVER is not needed by any other programs, just remove SETVER.EXE from CONFIG.SYS altogether.



Computing for a Connected World