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Networking I.P.B. 2142 27th July 1993 (KAS)
Department Category Implementation
Network Hardware Advisory
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ARCserve 4.0 and Archive 525 configuration issue

We have encountered a problem where ARCserve 4.0 will not function correctly with a Archive 525 tape streamer even though SBACKUP will function correctly with the same hardware configuration.

This is due to the Archive 525 tape streamer being set to use a 1024K block size. For ARCserve to function correctly with the Archive 525, the tape streamer needs to be set to 512K block size.

Jumper settings :

Jumper Function Comment
1,3 Reserved Fitted
2,4 Reserved Not Fitted
6, 7, 8 SCSI ID Binary selection of SCSI ID
9 Parity Enables Parity, Fitted
12 Terminating Power When fitted the drive supplies terminating power to the SCSI bus, Fitted

SBACKUP functions correctly because it is able to write to devices that support both 512K and 1024K block size.



Computing for a Connected World