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Networking I.P.B. 2212 6th April 1995 (JK)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software On Failure
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Problems with Insight CD Release 7 on a Network

A problem has been found with the Insight Release 7 whereby if the CD is mounted as a volume on a Novell NetWare network (see IPB 2211 for details), the Insight Disk Imager program will not show any images to create (running with a locally accessible CD runs OK).

It is hoped that this problem will be fixed in the next release, but in the mean time, a work-around for Release 7 is as follows;-

When Insight is installed from the CD-ROM, it copies some files locally to your hard disk (usually in C:\INSIGHT), and creates a program manager group containing a number of icons.

  1. Copy the files DIAGSIMG.DAT and DISKSIMG.DAT from the \INSIGHT directory on the CD-ROM to your local INSIGHT directory (C:\INSIGHT)

  2. Modify the properties of the two Images icons in the Insight program manager group as follows;-
    1. For the Diagnostic Images icon, change the command line entry from

      d:\INSIGHT\aprdisk.exe d:\INSIGHT\diagsimg.dat
      d:\INSIGHT\aprdisk.exe C:\INSIGHT \diagsimg.dat

      (assuming d: is the network drive, and C:\INSIGHT is your local Insight directory

    2. For the Driver & Utility Images icon, change the command line entry from

      d:\INSIGHT\aprdisk.exe d:\INSIGHT\disksimg.dat
      d:\INSIGHT\aprdisk.exe C:\INSIGHT \disksimg.dat

      (assuming d: is the network drive, and C:\INSIGHT is your local Insight directory

  3. Use the DOS ATTRIB program to ensure that both .DAT files in the local INSIGHT directory are not read-only


The Insight Disk Imager program should then run correctly from the networked CD.



Computing for a Connected World