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Networking I.P.B. 2254 25th March 1996 (JK)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software Advisory
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New CDROM.NLM (v4.11q) for NetWare 3.12 and 4.x

Novell have recently released a new version of the CD-ROM support module for NetWare 3.12 and 4.x. CDUP3.EXE, available from File Area 37 of Apricot Insight BBS (via dial-up, ftp or Web), or from Novell’s NetWire service, contains a new version of CDROM.NLM (version 4.11q) and associated support modules.

In addition to numerous bug-fixes, this new version of CDROM.NLM now includes a dramatically improved on-line help facility, extra functionality, and full support for IDE CD-ROM drives.

Also, the mechanism for loading CDROM.NLM has changed. The need to manually load NWPA.NLM (or NPA312.NLM) has been removed. Now, so long as AFTER311.NLM is loaded, NWPA.NLM will be auto-loaded when CDROM.NLM is loaded. If running NetWare 3.12, you should also make sure that NPAPATCH.NLM is loaded from STARTUP.NCF (this will be done automatically if the latest NetWare 3.12 Patch Kit - currently 312PT7.EXE - is installed).

The documentation in the archive (CDUP3.TXT) contains full instructions and details, along with the specific details for using IDE CD-ROM drives. Apricot recommend that this documentation is read fully before installing the files from the update.

For SCSI CD-ROM based systems

In STARTUP.NCF you should load the relevant SCSI driver (and if not auto-loaded also load its ASPI module) and then load ASPICD.NLM. Then in AUTOEXEC.NCF load AFTER311.NLM and CDROM.NLM. (Also, if NetWare 3.12 make sure that NPAPATCH.NLM is loaded in STARTUP.NCF - see note above).

For IDE CD-ROM based systems

In STARTUP.NCF you should add the following...

load NWPA /naload
load ideata port=<portid> int=<interrupt>
load idecd

Then in AUTOEXEC.NCF load AFTER311.NLM and then CDROM.NLM. (Also, if NetWare 3.12 make sure that NPAPATCH.NLM is loaded in STARTUP.NCF - see note above).



Computing for a Connected World