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Networking I.P.B. 2295 2nd June 1998 (JDK)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software On Failure
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Novell IntranetWare Client for Windows 95 and MS Office95/97

An issue has been identified on Windows 95 systems running the Novell IntranetWare Client for Windows 95 (Client32 v2.2) whereby drive mappings disappear after exiting MS Word from the Office 95 or Office 97 application suite. Alternatively, when closing an Office 97 application, the following error is seen:

"this connection must be maintained for NDS use on the tree <treename>, It should only be removed after logout from the tree. Do you with to logout from <treename>? (Yes/No)".

This issue is resolved with an updated version of NOVELLNP.DLL, which is available either from Novell’s support Web site, or the Apricot Insight BBS/Web site (file area 37), as NOVELLNP.EXE.

Full installation instructions can be found in NOVELLNP.TXT, which is contained within the NOVELLNP.EXE archive.



Computing for a Connected World