SCO Xenix and Irwin Tape Drives
SCO Xenix fully supports both the old 20MB Irwin tape drive used on the
XEN-i XD45T, and the new 40MB drive available on the Qi series. To install the tape driver
in the operating system, run the Xenix command - 'mkdev tape' and select the
'mini-cartridge' option. Once installation is complete, reboot the system - the device
name for the tape is - '/dev/rctmini'.
If you are upgrading a XEN-i XD45T from Apricot Xenix to SCO Xenix 286,
you will have to bulk erase and reformat the tape cartridges - tapes written under the old
system MAY NOT be read under the new one. Also, it will be necessary to re-jumper the
Irwin tape drive select, so that the pins closest to the power cable connector are
jumpered (drive select 1). The 'format' program distributed with SCO Xenix 286 VR2.2 is
faulty - a fix is available form Apricot Unix Support on request.
If you are installing the Irwin tape driver in SCO Xenix on a Qi, the
tape drive is instantly usable on rebooting the system. Avoid using the 'format-e' option
- this is supposed to allow 40MB DC2000 tapes to be reformatted, but a fault in the
software causes tape capacity to be reduced to 20MB. This problem is currently under
investigation and you will be informed as soon as there is a fix.
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