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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3033 19th July 1989 (RM)
Department Category Implementation
Xenix Software Advisory
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Adding SCSI devices under SCO XENIX VR 2.3.2

1 SCSI Device IDs.
Device Drive Select (ID)
drive 0 (first hard disk) 0 (should be set by default)
drive 1 (second hard disk) 1
tape drive 2 (should be set by default)


2 Adding a second SCSI hard disk.
Use the following command:
mkdev hd
Reply "y" to "Is the secondary disk a SCSI device (y/n)"
Enter "1" to "What ID is the disk"
Finally follow the normal procedure for building a file system.


3 Adding a SCSI tape drive.
Use the following command :
mkdev tape
Take option "Install a tape driver"
Then option "Install a SCSI tape drive"
Reply "2" to "What ID is the tape"
Reply "1" to "Which SCSI host adapter will interface with this tape"
Access the tape drive using device /dev/rct0



Computing for a Connected World