SCO UNIX and Security
SCO Unix 386 incorporates "C2 trusted security". The presence
of C2 security imposes certain restrictions on system setup and support as follows:-
- First and foremost, never ever attempt to edit the files '/etc/passwd' or
'/etc/group'. If such action is attempted, no users will be able to subsequently access
the system - the only solution where this advice has been ignored is to re-install the
complete system!
- When setting up new users you must use the SYSADMSH(ADM) facility. This
is a menu driven system administration utility and is invoked by keying - 'sysadmsh'.
- Never close the system down with '/etc/haltsys'. There are two techniques
for shutting down the system - 'shutdown' (SHUTDOWN(ADM)) or 'init 0' (INIT(M)). Either
procedure should only be run from the system console when all other users have logged out.
'shutdown' is the preferred command.
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