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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3052 14th December 1989 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Xenix Software Advisory
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SCO XENIX 386 and the Line Printer Spooler

SCO have engineered a Support Level Supplement to avoid scheduler race conditions found in earlier releases of the SCO XENIX print package which caused the following problems:

  1. When large numbers of jobs were placed in the print queue at one time, some or all print requests were lost.
  2. The print scheduler, "/usr/lib/lpsched", would unpredictably shut down during periods of heavy use.
  3. The print scheduler would fail when printing to the default printer.

Please note that this supplement will cause strange behaviour with the cancel command - cancelling one job may also cause other jobs to be cancelled by mistake. Should you decide the problem is sufficiently severe that you wish to install the supplement, then contact Apricot UNIX(TM)Support and request supplement - xnx142.

A copy of xnx142 is available on the Bulletin Board in file area 25.

N.B. Supplement xnx142 applies to SCO XENIX 386 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 only, and will only install correctly if the scheduler is stopped first using,



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