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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3061 3rd January 1990 (PW)
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Xenix Software Mandatory
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SCO XENIX 2.3.2 and 16 Megabytes of memory in 25MHz machines

A problem exists with 16MB in 25MHz machines where the top 128KB should be made inaccessible but can in fact be addressed by the operating system. This can cause random core dumping of programs and corruption of programs and data in memory.

A patch is available for SCO XENIX 2.3.2 which restricts access to the top 128KB, and is as follows -

cp xenix xenix.patch
adb -w xenix.patch
mv xenix xeinix.prior
ln xenix.patch xenix

Once the kernel has been patched you must reboot your system.

N.B. You will need to install this patch again if you reconfigure your kernel at any time.



Computing for a Connected World