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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3069 23rd May 1990 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Software Advisory
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Bootable disks for use with SCO Unix V/386

The installation disks N1 and N2 supplied do not appear to allow users to access a Unix prompt. This can be achieved by typing the word 'shell' at the prompt for keyboard selection, which will result in a normal shell prompt. To exit from this shell and the boot disks type Control-D or exit at the shell prompt.

We recommend however that "Emergency" boot floppies are created by running the command

mkdev fd

selecting option 4 for 135tpi 18 sectors per track HD disks and then building both the bootable and root filesystem floppies (options 2 & 3 respectively). These "Emergency" disks should be built after basic installation of Unix including (where applicable) a tape device and driver.



Computing for a Connected World