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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3072 20th July 1990 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Xenix Software Advisory
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SCO Support Level Fixes for Xenix and Unix

The following relevant fixes are available from Unix Support in file area 39 of the Technical Support Bulletin Board. A discretional charge may be made to cover the cost of any disks sent out. The list given below supplements the list provided in Intermediate Product Bulletin 3068.

XNX146 New versions of the Irwin tape driver for Xenix 2.2.3 and 2.3.2. Suitable for use on Qi machines.
UNX165 Contains a new Unix driver for surface mount 1/2 length MCA bus Wangtek/Tecmar tape cards.
UNX167 Contains several fixes for the C2 security on SCO Unix V/386 3.2.0.
UNX204 Contains a new driver for both Xenix and Unix with the Logitech Busmouse. For use on Xenix 2.3.2/3 or SCO Unix V/386 3.2.0.



Computing for a Connected World