Unix/Xenix Server Environment Pack Release 6
Release 6 of the Unix/Xenix Server Environment Pack is now available.
The pack contains the following packages:
Monitor for the UPS, automated shut down etc. |
Dual async driver for use with on board synchronous port. |
Remote boot server for LS, XEN-S, and XEN-LS. |
LAN led driver for add in network cards |
1024 x 768 driver for X Sight used with on board SVGA. |
E3M |
3Com 3C527 driver for Xenix and Unix. |
There are a few factors to be taken into account when installing or
- To upgrade from previous releases, firstly remove the previous Server
Environment Pack with custom, remove the perms file (/etc/perms/uep), and remove /dev/ups
if it exists.
- Do not install the "Entire Product" but rather select
"Packages" from within custom. This is because the installation of the Dual
Async driver is only valid on machines with the on board sync comms port (VX FT Mk1 &
early Qi 300/600), and if required will clash with the UPS software; also the Lite and
Bootsrv packages can only be installed when there is a working Ethernet driver in the
kernel to attach to.
- We advise installing the packages required one at a time and testing each
package to ensure the settings given to the installation routine match the reference disk
settings. Lite and Bootsrv packages for example should be installed after TCP/IP has been
installed, kernel re-linked, and the TCP/IP configuration tested.
The install routine for this package will ask for the IRQ number of the UPS controller.
The default setting for a VX FT Mk1 is IRQ 11, and for the Mk2 is IRQ 10. However, the
actual setting should be noted by using the ref disk before starting if you are unsure. As
already mentioned, if you are upgrading an earlier release, check for an old /dev/ups and
remove if it exists.
- E3M with Xenix
Having installed the package with custom, add the driver to the kernel with the command
'mkdev e3m'. You must ensure that the TCP/IP and Streams packages are installed prior to
installation of the E3M package. Kernel link errors will be produced otherwise. The driver
installation only supports the default settings for the card, so ensure that the card is
referenced in on it's default settings by auto configuring it with the ref disk when it is
fitted. The Xenix driver only supports one card. The next stage is to configure TCP to use
the e3m driver. Do this with the command 'mkdev e3mtcp'; it will ask for the Internet
number etc.
- E3M with Unix
Having installed the package with custom, add the driver to the kernel with the command
'mkdev e3m'. The choice of interrupts offered by the mkdev routine is 9, 10, 11, or 12. As
with the UPS driver, make certain of the interrupt that the card is on by using the
reference disk. There are potential clashes when installing the 3C527 card as these
interrupts are often used by the following hardware:
9 -Specialix card |
10-UPS on FT Mk2, On Board Ethernet on Mk1 FT |
11-UPS on FT Mk1 |
12-2nd Adaptec card |
The installation will also request an I/O address and shared ram segment
for the card, so these too need verifying with the reference disk. The default size of the
shared memory segment is 16k (4000h), and this has to be confirmed to the installation
routine. The Unix driver supports multiple cards although more than one card should only
be installed after consultation with Unix Support. The next stage is to configure TCP to
use the e3m driver. Do this with the command 'mkdev e3mtcp'; it will ask for the Internet
number etc.
The installation will ask which driver to attach to, but, as already mentioned, Lite can
only be installed once an Ethernet driver is installed and verified.
After installation of this package, the command mkdev graphics is used to configure for
use by X Windows. There are drivers for the following monitors: 14" Sony, 16",
and 20" when used with the Apricot on board SVGA option as fitted to the FTs and FTe.