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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3136 18th September 1992 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Software Advisory
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SCO NFS for SCO UNIX Systems

SCO have just released SCO NFS 1.2.0 for SCO UNIX V/386 3.2v4.1. The following points should be considered for installation on Apricot equipment.

  1. This product can only be installed after SCO TCP/IP 1.2.0, please read IPB 3135 first and ensure TCP/IP is fully functioning before commencing installation of SCO NFS 1.2.0.
  2. SCO NFS 1.2.0 is replacing SCO NFS 1.1.1 which SCO has now discontinued. As SCO TCP/IP 1.2.0 is required for the product all SCO UNIX systems must be upgraded to 3.2v4.1 if SCO NFS is to be installed.
  3. When upgrading from an earlier release of NFS the following devices should be removed by hand before starting the installation, it is assumed here that all the old revision products listed in IPB 3135 have already been removed.
  4. The commands mv and mvdir will not function correctly when accessing pre 1.2.0 NFS file systems. UNIX Support therefore very strongly recommend that when SCO NFS 1.2.0 is installed on one machine all other SCO UNIX based NFS servers are upgraded to 1.2.0 immediately.
  5. The file "/etc/exports" must exist before NFS is started in order for mountd and nfsd to be started, failure to create the file first will prevent remote machines mounting local file systems.
  6. "/etc/exportfs -a" must be run whenever a change is made to /etc/exports.

Finally, please remember to read the SCO Release Notes for NFS as considerable new functionality has been added to this product.



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