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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3200 16th November 1995 (JE)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Software Advisory
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Potential problem with Unix to OpenServer 5 Enterprise upgrade Licence Registration

  • Within this IPB an italic font denotes specific SCO terminology.

Until an OpenServer 5 installation is Registered the system periodically displays a message stating that unregistered software is in use.

During installation, the process of entering the License Number, License Code, and License Data (License Data may not exist) for each software component is termed as licensing. This has to be done to install the software. Registration however does not have to be done to use the system, but it needs to be done to eradicate the unregistered software warnings.

To Register the OpenServer 5 software components, the License Manager is used from the desktop. The base operating system components and each Layered Product need to be individually registered.

A shortcoming of the License Manager exists whereby it is impossible to register all software components of the following OpenServer 5 variants unless the correct procedure is followed:

Software variant Product codes
Unix 3.2v4 to OS5 Enterprise SS39033 to SS39037
SS39048 to SS39052

If the above OpenServer 5 upgrade systems are installed without following the correct procedure to register the software (see below), follow the procedure below entitled "Recovering from incorrect Registration" to overcome the unregistered software warning messages.

The problem only occurs with the Unix to OpenServer 5 upgrade product. Open Server 3.0 Network Edition to OpenServer 5 or OS3 Enterprise to OS5 products (SS39038 to SS39047 & SS39053 to SS39062) do not suffer from the problem.

Correct registration procedure

The Unix to OpenServer 5 Enterprise systems upgrade product actually consists of two software components, namely a Unix to OpenServer 5 Host upgrade and an OpenServer 5 Host to Enterprise upgrade. The software is licensed in two stages, the upgrade to Host system followed by the Host to Enterprise system. Once the upgrade to Host is licensed it should be registered before the Host to Enterprise upgrade is installed otherwise the Host system software component will be "invisible" to the License Manager, resulting in an inability to register the Host system component. In brief, the procedure is:

  1. During installation, the first prompt for licensing by the Installation Query Manager (IQM) is for the Host System, so enter the License Number, License Code, and License Data from its Certificate of License and Authenticity card (COLA). There are two COLA’s, the one required at this stage is the one for the OpenServer 5 Host system, not the one labelled as OpenServer 5 Enterprise system. You will also be prompted to enter the Serial Number and Authentication Key from the old Unix/OS3 system.

  2. Register the Host system using the License Manager now. If you do not then you will need to follow the procedure below entitled “Recovering from incorrect Registration".

  3. After the Host System is installed and registered use the Software Manager to install the Enterprise System. Be sure to select the OpenServer Enterprise menu option. Do not select OpenServer Software - your OpenServer Enterprise COLA will not be valid for this.

  4. Register the Enterprise System using the License Manager.

Using the above system as an example the registration procedure will provide two SCO System ID numbers, one for the Host System and one for the Enterprise System. These numbers are given to the SCO Registration Centre (Tel: 0800 136063) who will provide two corresponding Registration Key numbers that are used with the License Manager to register the software components.

Recovering from incorrect Registration

There are two conditions that can be recovered from, these are:

  1. Failure to register the host system before installing the enterprise system.

  2. Installing the host system using the incorrect COLA. Here, the enterprise system COLA is used, incorrectly, instead of the host system COLA.

To recover from condition 1:

From single or multiuser mode, run the command:

brand -R <license number> <registration key>

Where license number and registration key pertain to the Unix to OpenServer 5 Host upgrade. The registration key having been provided by the SCO Registration Centre.

The problem is resolved immediately, and can be verified by either rebooting, or killing and manually restarting the parent /etc/ifor_pmd process. There will be two ifor_pmd processes - kill the one which is the parent of the other. The unregistered software warning messages should not appear.

To recover from condition 2:

From single or multiuser (on the override tty - normally tty01), run the command:

brand -g -a <license data> <license number> <license code>

Where all arguments pertain the Unix to OpenServer 5 Host upgrade. The problem is resolved immediately, and logins should be successful. However, scologin stop/start should be issued to successfully activate scologin.

Now carry out the procedure as in condition 1 above to register the Host system.



Computing for a Connected World