SCO OpenServer 5.0.4 on Pentium II
FT1200 Intel DK440LX
MEPCD have tested, and support, the current version of
SCO OpenServer (at the time of writing this being release 5.0.4) on these systems. Earlier
versions of OpenServer 5 are likely to work, but please seek advice from Technical Support
first. SCO Unix 3.2x and SCO Xenix are not supported on these systems.
Hardware setup
During POST press F2 to enter BIOS setup. Press F9 to
load the defaults. Select Advanced --> Peripheral Configuration and adjust the settings
as below. Bold indicates the items that should be changed, other associated settings will
then change automatically to those shown:
Serial port A: |
[Enabled] |
Base I/O address: |
[3F8] |
Interrupt: |
[IRQ4] |
Serial port B: |
[Enabled] |
Mode: |
[Normal] |
Base I/O address: |
[2F8] |
Interrupt: |
[IRQ3] |
Parallel port: |
[Enabled] |
Mode: |
[Output only] |
Base I/O address: |
[378] |
Interrupt: |
[IRQ7] |
Floppy disk controller |
Enabled] |
IDE controller |
[Secondary] |
Hardware monitor |
[Enabled] |
Audio |
[Disabled] |
Embedded PXE Support |
[Disabled] |
SCSI Controller |
[Enabled] |
Channel B Termination |
[Enabled] |
Legacy USB Support |
[Disabled] |
If an ISA Specialix SI/XIO card is installed set the
cards memory address to D8000 by setting rotary switch 1 to 0, rotary switch 2 to D,
and the link LK1 to 8. Under Advanced --> Resource Configuration in BIOS setup select
Memory Reservation and adjust as below (bold indicates a change from the default
D800 - DBFF: [Reserved]
DC00 - DFFF: [Reserved]
The driver can be configured to use an interrupt or use
polled mode. If an interrupt is used then the IRQ should be reserved under Advanced -->
Resource Configuration --> IRQ Reservation. However, we recommend using polled. We
recommend using the OpenServer 5 specific version of the driver rather than the older SCO
Unix 3.2x driver. For the PCI card then the OpenServer 5 specific driver must be used. The
current version is 1.2.5 and is available from area39 of Apricot Insight Online as
SPXOS125.DSK. The problem of the ports being numbered from 0 rather than 1 with the
original OpenServer 5 driver has now been rectified by Specialix.
SCSI tape
It is assumed that the SCSI tape drive is connected to
the on-board 50 way SCSI connector. This is the second SCSI channel of the Adaptec 7895
dual channel ultra wide controller. This bulletin also assumes that the tape drive is set
to SCSI ID 2. During POST press <CNTRL A> to enter the Adaptec 7895 configuration
BIOS utility. Select the A SCSI channel:
Though not essential, it is recommended to select
Additional Options --> Advanced Configuration Options and disable head/cylinder
translation for drives with more than 1024 cylinders:
Extended BIOS Translation for DOS Drives > 1Gbyte [Disabled]
Select the B channel:
Select Configure/View Host Adapter Settings -->
Additional Options --> SCSI Device Configuration and for SCSI ID 2 set Send Start Unit
Command to NO.
SCO OpenServer 5.0.4 install
Adaptec SCSI disk
At the Boot prompt from the SCO Boot Disk a suitable
boot string is:
defbootstr ahslink=alad325
When prompted for the alad325 BTLD floppy use the
Adaptec 7800 Family Driver release d2.1 driver. This is available from Apricot Insight
Online as 7800_21.DSK - floppy image in area41 and 7800_21.Z -Unix compressed image in
area39, or from the 1997 Quarter 4 Insight Classic CD as 7800_21.Z. The floppy is also
supplied by MEPCD and labelled as part number 157610SW.
Change the IDE CD-ROM used for installation to the
settings below:
Media device to be used:
IDE Controller: secondary
Master or Slave: master
Note that if the 5.0.4 installation software does not
display the installation media device choice as IDE CD-ROM but gives a SCSI device
selection list, the IDE CD-ROM has not been detected for some reason. Merely selecting
SCSI CD-ROM from the list and selecting the wd driver (as in the 5.0.2 release) will not
work. In release 5.0.4 the IDE CD-ROM should be auto-detected at installation and the
choices for primary/secondary/master/slave shown as above. If this happens try adding Srom=wd(1,0,0,0) to the boot string
AMI 431 RAID disk
Use the Adaptec based description above with the
following differences.
At the Boot prompt from the SCO Boot Disk a suitable
boot string is:
defbootstr ahslink=amird Sdsk=amird(0,0,0,0)
When prompted for the amird BTLD floppy use the Beta 2A
AMI 431 driver. It is described as beta by MEPCD merely because it is software over which
we have no direct control, it is however a release version from AMI their version
number being 2.01. The MEPCD part number is 160831SW and it is also available from Apricot
Insight Online as AMI_201.Z - Unix compressed image in area39 and AMI_201.DSK - floppy
image in area41.
On-board ethernet Intel Pro100B
During the installation defer the auto detection of the
etherent adapter. This is because standard 5.0.4 will fail to auto-detect the adapter.
Once OpenServer is installed add the SCO "erg500402" patch from the Software
Manager (custom). This patch is available from area39 of Apricot Insight Online or the
1998 Quarter 1 Insight Classic CD as PCISCAN.Z. This file can be copied to a floppy for
installation or copied to the system as filename VOL.000.000 for a "media image"
installation from the Software Manager (custom).
At this stage the ethernet may work satisfactorily once
configured with netconfig, ensure though that the speed of the interface is set to Auto
rather than 10 or 100 setting to other than Auto definitely will give poor
performance. However, even then it is often the case that poor network performance will
still occur accompanied by many packet failures identified in the output of the netstat i command. For this reason
install the updated SCO Pro100B driver version 5.0.4f. This patch is available from area39
of Apricot Insight Online as PRO100BF.DSK. This patch can also be installed from floppy or
a Media Image as above. Note that the earlier version 5.0.4e driver exists on the 1998
Quarter 1 Insight Classic CD; we do not now recommend its use.
When using the Pro100B 5.0.4f driver the menus under
netconfig are slightly different to the earlier driver. Under the hardware settings for
the LAN adapter ensure that the interface speed is set to "Auto-Auto".
Confirm correct ethernet operation by checking for any
input or output packet errors by using the netstat
i command. After, say, copying some files to and from the
machine there should be no, or very few, Ierrs or Oerrs listed.
If such errors are still present please contact Technical Support for advice.
IPB3221 specifically describes
the possible problems with the on-board or add-in Intel Pro100B. Refer also to IPB3222 which describes the Release Supplement 5.0.4C and OSS469A
which should be installed on OpenServer 5.0.4 to provide patches to the networking