SCO OpenServer 5.04 on FT2400 MB440LX (Nexus) Product
Installation with the on-board Symbios controllers
The following instructions are for installing SCO OpenServer 5.04 onto
the FT2400 Nexus machine using the on-board Symbios 82C875 controller
Step 1 - To install SCO OpenServer 5.04 you will need to create 2
floppy disk images.
- Symbios SCO UNIX drivers disk
- Nexus replacement boot floppy
Both the disk images can be found in area39 of the Apricot Insight
Online BBS/Web site at
The Symbios diskette image is stored both as "SYMB_SCO.z" (a UNIX compressed dd
disk image) and as "SYMB_SCO.DSK" (dd disk image).
Note that there is no functional difference between them download whichever one is
more convenient to use.
The replacement boot floppy is called "BOOT2400.DSK" (dd disk image)
Dont forget that a disk image file (.DSK) can be downloaded onto a
DOS machine, and written straight to a floppy diskette, using the RAWRITE.EXE programme
(also in file area 39 of the bbs).
The Symbios drivers disk can also be found on the FT2400 bootable CD-ROM
follow the menu options for creating driver disks if you prefer this method.
Step 2 - Boot the machine from the "Nexus boot
The SCO Openserver Boot: prompt will be displayed, at this point, type the following boot string :
defbootstr Sdsk=slha(1,0,0,0) Srom=wd(0,0,0,0)
note : the 1 in the Sdsk=slha signifies the SCSI channel A on the Symbios ultra wide controller, 2 can be used
for channel B
Step 3 - You will now be asked which media device you wish to
install the product from, select the following :
Media device to be used : IDE CD ROM
IDE Controller : primary
Master or Slave : master
- The files will now be extracted from the CD ROM drive and the
installation will proceed as normal.
Step 4 - When the operating system is installed reboot the system
from the Nexus boot floppy and enter the following boot string at the Boot : prompt
fd(64)unix swap=hd(41) dump=hd(42) disable=alad
Step 5 - When the system has completed its boot sequence, login as
root and run the installpkg command
from the root shell.
Insert the Symbios drivers disk created earlier, and select the replace
option to replace the slha driver.
You will now need to rebuild the UNIX kernel, as follows :
# cd /etc/conf/cf.d
# ./link_unix
Step 6 - Boot the server as normal, the installation process is now
Installation with the AMI434 Raid Controller
The following instructions are for installing SCO OpenServer 5.04 onto
the FT2400 Nexus machine using the AMI434 RAID Controller
Step 1 Create the AMI MegaRaid drivers disk from
the Drivers CD
Step 2 - Boot the machine from the "OpenServer 5.04 Boot
The SCO Openserver Boot: prompt will be displayed, at this point, type the following boot string :
defbootstr ahslink=amird Sdsk=amird(0,0,0,0)
Srom=wd(0,0,0,0) disable=alad disable=slha
You will be prompted for the AMI drivers disk you created in Step 1
during this stage.
Step 2 - You will now be asked which media device you wish to
install the product from, select the following :
Media device to be used : IDE CD ROM
IDE Controller : primary
Master or Slave : master
The files will now be extracted from the CD ROM drive and the
installation will proceed as normal.