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FT4200 Power Distribution Panels and Loudspeaker (Rel 1.12.1)

There are two separate power distribution panels, one for hard disk drives and one for Removable Media drives.


Read completely the instructions detailed in Preliminary Service Information.


Hard Disk Drive Power Distribution Panel


1. Remove the motherboard cooling fan assembly as detailed in chapter 8.

This uncovers three bus bars which are attached to the power distribution panel, through a cut-out in the centre spine, and to the power supply, as shown in the following illustration:


1 Bus Bars 2 Connections to Hard Disk Power Distribution Panel

3. Detach the three bus bars from the distribution panel.

4. In the disk chamber, remove all hard disk drives and drive modules.

Also, remove any blanking plates that cover empty disk chamber space.

5. Remove 11 screws as shown in the following diagram and lift out the panel.


1 Power Distribution Panel 4 Removable Media Drives
2 Securing Screws 5 SMC Board
3 HD Cooling Fan Assembly    



1. With all hard disk drives, drive modules and the motherboard cooling fan assembly removed, attach the hard disk distribution board to the centre spine of the server, in the disk chamber, using the 11 screws as shown above.

2. Refit all the hard disk drive modules and drives.


It is vital that you remember the exact cable and connector arrangement of your hard disks, particularly if you are using a RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) configuration. If you fail to restore the arrangement so that all cables and plugs are as they were originally, you risk losing all the data on your hard disks.

3. Reconnect the bus bars in the electronics chamber.


You must use a torque wrench to tighten the bus bar bolts. The torque wrench setting is 5 Newton metres (Nm).

4. Replace the motherboard cooling fan assembly.


Removable Media Drive Bay Power Distribution Panel


In the electronics chamber, unplug two power cables as shown in the following diagram:


1 Cable Connectors 2 Securing Screws

2. In the disk chamber, unplug the cables which provide power to the removable media drives.

3. Now remove the six screws which fasten the power distribution board to the centre spine and remove the board, as shown in the previous diagram.



1. Fasten the power distribution panel onto the centre spine of the server with the six screws as shown above.

2. Connect the two power cables as shown in the previous illustration.

3. In the disk chamber, reconnect the cables which provide power to the removable media drives.




1. Remove the motherboard cooling fan assembly as previosly detailed.

Unplug the loudspeaker cable from the connector on the motherboard power distribution panel, as shown:


1 Loudspeaker Connector 3 Cooling Fan Assembly
2 Power Distribution Panel    

Remove the four screws which fasten the loudspeaker onto the front drive bay door housing, as shown:

1 Loudspeaker Securing Screws 2 Removable Media Drive Bay



1. Use the four screws to attach the loudspeaker to the front drive bay door housing, as shown above.

2. Plug the cable into the loudspeaker connector on the motherboard power distribution panel and

3. Refit the motherboard cooling fan assembly.


Computing for a Connected World