Apricot Reseller Accreditation Workshops -
Corporate Presentation Disk
Every candidate who attended the Apricot Reseller Accreditation
Workshops on the following dates was issued with a Corporate Presentation Disk.
9th September 1991 London
10th September 1991 London
12th September 1991 Birmingham
17th September 1991 Huddersfield
18th September 1991 Huddersfield
The installation program (INSTALL.EXE) will in fact only create your
specified path and will not install any of the necessary files.
To correctly install the presentation files, please follow the procedure
- Create a directory of your choice on any hard disk drive that has 3.5MB
or more available space.
- Change to that directory.
- Type at the MS-DOS prompt "A:PRESENTS"
This will unpack the files contained inside PRESENTS.EXE on the floppy
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