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Single User I.P.B. 1032 13th September 1991 (CD)
Department Category Implementation
DOS Apps Software Advisory
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MS-DOS 5.0 Essentials

See Also
IPB 1029 - IPB 1031 - IPB 1035 - IPB 1037 - IPB 1042
IPB 1045 - IPB 2060 - IPB 2084 - IPB 2086 - IPB 2118

Here are some essential points to consider when installing/configuring an MS-DOS 5.0 system:


  • WINA20.386 must be in the root directory of the boot drive.
  • VDDVGA.386 must be manually copied from the DOS disk to your Windows\System directory and an entry made in SYSTEM.INI saying DISPLAY=VDDVGA.386 made. If this is not done you will get a Video Device Conflict message when starting Windows in high resolution mode.
  • APRICOT.386 is required in SYSTEM.INI for Networked systems.
  • Do NOT include the mono video area in any memory driver (i.e. b000-b800).
  • On SCSI systems, a SMARTDRV.SYS, AHA1540.SYS /v386 /b:32, or ASPI4DOS.SYS /w must be loaded in CONFIG.SYS.
  • HIMEM.SYS and SMARTDRV.SYS must be the DOS 5 versions and not those supplied with Windows. Check that the entry in CONFIG.SYS is similar to DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS.
  • Standard DOS 5 installation puts the line FILES=10 in CONFIG.SYS, this must be increased to 20 or more, dependant upon what applications you are running.

On-Board Ethernet

  • EMM386.EXE uses the same DMA as Apricot's on-board Ethernet and will disable any network connection.

Qi 386-25, Qi 600 or Qi PCi machines

  • APRA20.SYS must be loaded otherwise you will experience intermittent hanging. On Release 1 of the Apricot MS-DOS 5.0 disks, version 1.00 will not load. Please use APRA20.SYS from the bulletin board or Release 2, version 1.01. This must be the first DEVICE= line in CONFIG.SYS.

LAN Manager 2

  • The 'Microsoft LAN Manager Supplemental Information' manual, pages 27/28, says that MOUSE.COM must be loaded after Netstart. As Apricot only supply MOUSE.SYS then this can be done by using AMLOADDV /L C:\DOS\MOUSE.SYS which will load the driver from DOS.

MS-DOS Memory Drivers

  • APRUMB.SYS does not require HIMEM.SYS to be loaded, but if himem is to be used (required for Windows 3 in enhanced mode and loading the DOS System high) then it must be loaded before APRUMB.SYS.
  • EMM386.EXE requires HIMEM.SYS to be loaded first.
  • Until an Upper Memory Block manager (EMM386.EXE or APRUMB.SYS) has been loaded, statements in CONFIG.SYS must be the normal DEVICE= not DEVICEHIGH=.




Computing for a Connected World