APRA20.SYS on Qi 486 or FTe
See Also
IPB 1029 - IPB 1031 - IPB 1032 - IPB 1035 - IPB 1042
IPB 1045 - IPB 2060 - IPB 2084 - IPB 2086
- IPB 2118
It has come to our attention that a small number of the new Qi 486
systems, (Qi 486SX-16, Qi 486SX-25, Qi 486-25 and Qi 486-33) have been seen to
intermittently hang. This will also apply to FTe systems although we have no reported
This has been traced to APRA20.SYS version 1.01 thinking that the new
machine is an older Qi 600 and therefore loading into memory. The standard DOS 5.0 set-up
routine will automatically put APRA20.SYS as the first line in CONFIG.SYS as it also
mistakes these systems for Qi 600s.
The APRA20.SYS driver is only required on the older Qi 600 / Qi PCi / Qi
386-25 systems and should check the machine type automatically at boot time. Although
APRA20.SYS should not cause problems on other systems, some unexpected results may occur.
This fault will be corrected in the next release of Apricot DOS 5.0 but,
for the moment, APRA20.SYS should be removed from the CONFIG.SYS file of all Apricot Qi
486 machines.
Note: APRA20.SYS version 1.00, you will remember from an earlier
bulletin, loaded on all machines bar Qi 600s and should not be used on any system.
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