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Single User I.P.B. 1046 15th April 1993 (KAH)
Department Category Implementation
DOS Apps Software On Failure
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Lotus 1-2-3 on 486SX and 486SLC Systems

When Lotus 1-2-3 is run on any system with a 486SX or 486SL processor it may be observed that zeros will appear in cells in place of any numbers entered.

This is due to older versions of 1-2-3 assuming that all 486 processors are equipped with a numeric co-processor and attempting to channel numerical data through it. This error has been addressed with release 3.1+ and 3.4 which will check for the presence of a co-processor.

If the software exhibits this fault it is necessary to use the following syntax:

123 -s

This will invoke earlier versions of 1-2-3 without co-processor support.



Computing for a Connected World