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Single User I.P.B. 1047 9th August 1993 (KAH)
Department Category Implementation
DOS Apps Hardware
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SVGA Monitors and CL5410 256 Colour Drivers for Windows

The procedure for using a 256 colour driver on the SVGA (interlaced) monitor with a XEN-PC, XEN-LS II or LS Pro is different from the standard installation for other drivers and monitors. The procedure is detailed below and must be adhered to carefully or the monitor may not display correctly.

The 800x600x256 driver was commented out of the original drivers disk. If it is required, it will be necessary to edit the text file OEMSETUP.INF which may be found on APRICOT DRIVERS DISK 1 OF 2 in the DISPLAY\WIN31 directory and remove the semicolon from the beginning of the line which reads:

cv8256 = N:256_1024.drv, "Apricot CL5410, 800x600x256, V1.1", ......etc

The 800x600x256 driver may then be selected from A:\DISPLAY\WIN31 as normal.

Step 1

Boot the system, press [ALT][S] to run SETUP and change the monitor type to VGA.

Step 2

Run SETUP.EXE from C:\WINDOWS and select the appropriate 256 colour display driver.

Step 3

Ensure that the control dials at the bottom of the monitor are in the following orientations:

Step 4

Create a directory called CVSHELL on your hard disk, or on the appropriate user area of the network if necessary. Download CVSHELL.ZIP from AREA42 of Apricot Insight BBS and unpack using the -D switch into the CVSHELL directory of your hard disk. It is necessary to download this file as it is different from the version shipped on Apricot Drivers Disk 2 of 2.

Run CVSHELL.EXE. Change the monitor type to INTERLACED. Change the MODE TYPE to 640 by 480 256 Colours, 800 by 600 256 Colours or 1024 by 768 256 Colours as required and continue.

When the test screen is displayed, rotate the left-most monitor dial shown above (horizontal hold) slowly anti-clockwise until a green box is displayed on the screen. At this point, use the cursor keys to position this box in the centre of the screen as directed.

If you now press <ENTER> as directed, the configuration of this position is saved to disk and Windows will display the 256 colour driver correctly.

Step 5

To ensure the driver will display correctly in future, add the following line to AUTOEXE.BAT:


This will used the settings saved to the file MONTYPE.CAL, generated when CVSHELL was first run, to display the 256 colour driver correctly in Windows.



Computing for a Connected World