MS Series (MW/MV) Internet Mail and Spell
Check Errors
An issue has been identified with the Apricot MS series systems (MW/MV)
whereby the spell check function in the Microsoft Internet Mail application will fail,
reporting that
"The spelling check could not be started. Some components are
either missing or incorrectly configured."
The problem is down to an entry in the Windows 95 Registry pointing to
the wrong location for the default spell-check dictionary. The Windows 95 registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\Custom
Is set incorrectly. The key value should read
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\proof\CUSTOM.DIC
As manually editing the Windows 95 registry can be the cause of other
errors if incorrectly done, we have produced a fix for this problem that will update the
Windows 95 registry with the correct value. The fix can be downloaded from file area
41 of the Insight BBS (0121-717-0444) or the Insight BBS Web Site ( The file is
called MS_SPELL.EXE, and contains a README.TXT file to explain how to implement the fix,
and the corrected registry entry in a file SPELL.REG.
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