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Single User I.P.B. 1055 17th July 1998 (JK)
Department Category Implementation
Single User Software
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Windows 98 on Apricot MS Series systems with Remote Control

After installation of the Microsoft Windows 98 upgrade on Apricot MS series systems with remote control, the following message will be seen on startup..


Remote control hardware failed to initialise. To fix the problem, try restarting your system.
If the problem persists, please contact your dealer.

The message is being caused because of a conflict between the remote control driver, and the DirectX audio functionality that is an integral part of Windows 98.

Currently there is no upgrade available to eliminate this problem, although one is being investigated. In the mean time, the only way to prevent the message is to do one of the following….

  1. Run the Easy Manager Configuration utility and Disable Easy Manager

    Or if the other Easy Manager functions are required (without the use of the remote control unit)…

  2. Run REGEDIT and delete the ApricotRemote key that is found in Hkey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.

Note that if option 2 is used and a change is made to the Easy Manager configuration from the Easy Manager Configuration utility, the registry key will need to be deleted again.

The system will operate without making any changes, but the Apremote message will be seen each time the system starts up.



Computing for a Connected World