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Single User I.P.B. 1057 29th July 1998 (AL)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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ESDI_506 error message when attempting to install Colorado Backup

When attempting to install Colorado Backup, if you get the error message as shown below when you insert the Colorado Backup CD, then you need the updated Removable IDE driver for Windows 95.

Invalid VxD dynamic link call from ESDI_506(01) + 00001084 to Device "IOS ", service 12.
Your Windows configuration is invalid. Run the Windows Setup program again to correct the problem.
To continue running Windows press Y or Enter. To quit the current program press N.
If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
Do you want to continue, press Y for Yes or N for No.

The required file is REMIDEUP.EXE, and it is located in File Area 7 of the Mitsubishi BBS. The BBS is located at the following address-:

Download the file REMIDEUP.EXE from file area 7 of the Mitsubishi BBS to a blank floppy disk, then do the following to install the updated driver.

  1. Insert the disk with REMIDEUP.EXE on it, into the floppy drive.
  2. Click on START, then click on RUN.
  3. Type A:\REMIDEUP.EXE and press return.
  4. When prompted to continue, click YES.
  5. When the update is complete, restart the computer.
  6. This completes the update.




Computing for a Connected World