Storage & Handling of VGA Paper White Monitors
14 inch VGA paper white monitors (Product Code XJ9860) should not be
stored with the neck of the tube down, i.e. video screen up. This action may result in
debris, left in the tube under normal manufacturing conditions, collecting in the neck.
When the monitor is powered on this debris may cause the HT circuitry in
the tube to flash over. While this does not cause any damage to the monitor, the high
voltage produced may damage the video driver circuit in the host computer.
Video output drivers have now been modified to include a "crow
bar" circuit which will eliminate any possibility of danger to the host system. There
will however be a time delay before these products are available to users. In this interim
period we recommend that all paper white VGA displays are left on for a period of 1 hour
to clear any possible debris collections, before connecting to a host system.
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