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Hardware I.P.B. 4020 5th January 1990 (NT)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Weitek Maths Co-Processor & Qi 660

Some software packages that are capable of using the Weitek maths co-processor check for its presence at hardware level, rather than through the BIOS. As the Weitek is enabled whether it is fitted or not, this may cause the program to hang if the co-processor is not present.

All Qi 600 machines are now shipped with a PAL fitted which disables the Weitek. The PAL is found at location IC32 and is labelled as follows :

Enabling PAL NEPE032VA Part Number 12140721
Disabling PAL NEPE032VC Part Number 12168431
Stocks of both PALs are available through Apricot Computer Services on 021-511 1234.


Computing for a Connected World