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Hardware I.P.B. 4028 3rd August 1990 (MPR)
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XEN-S Technical Reference Manual

Section 4/10 of the above manual contains incorrect information regarding the reading of 1st and 2nd Hard Disk types from RT/CMOS.

Address 11h DOES NOT contain the First Hard Disk type.
Address 12h contains a FIRST and SECOND Hard Disk Type Byte.

After reading from address 12h, the Upper 4 Bits contain the Nibble for the First Hard Disk and the Lower 4 Bits contain the nibble for the Second Hard Disk.

This Nibble should then be checked. If the Nibble contains 0Fh (all XEN-S machines have this byte set to 0Fh for each Hard Disk fitted), the First Hard Disk Drive Type can be read from address 19h, and the Second Hard Disk Drive Type can be read from address 1Ah.



Computing for a Connected World