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Hardware I.P.B. 4027 31st July 1990 (NT)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware On Failure
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XEN-S and Memory Daughterboards

See Also
IPB 4022 - IPB 4033 - IPB 4044 - IPB 4046
IPB 4060 - IPB 4066 - IPB 4068 - IPB 4100

A number of instances have been reported where floppy data corruptions have been detected on XEN-S (Venus II) machines after the installation of a memory daughterboard.

The problem is typically displayed after the installation of a 4MByte memory (XB42567) board, but in extreme cases has been detected with 2MByte (XB42594) daughterboards. Problems may also be experienced at power on, after memory installation, and result in the system failing POST.

The preferred way to detect this fault is to run TES140 (floppy disk test) but similar results may be obtained with the use of DOS COPY and VERIFY commands.

The cause has been identified and is cured by the implementation of ECR 7299. The motherboard level will be raised to the following levels.

Part Number Revision Level
14418031 19
14418131 17
14418331 18
14418531 17

Motherboards should be upgraded on failure by the usual warranty arrangements.

Note: For details on how to identify Venus I and Venus II motherboards see IPB 4026.



Computing for a Connected World