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Hardware I.P.B. 4060 17th May 1991 (MPR)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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LANstation, XEN-S & Qi 386SX Memory Daughterboards

See Also
IPB 4022 - IPB 4027 - IPB 4033 - IPB 4044
IPB 4046 - IPB 4066 - IPB 4068 - IPB 4100

There appears to be some confusion over memory daughterboards fitted to the above machines.

Prior to the launch of the LANstation, all daughterboards contained 100nS memory which was, and still is, suitable for XEN-S and Qi 386SX.

The LANstation however, requires faster memory and therefore all memory daughterboards were changed to 80nS.

You must therefore check the speed of the memory daughterboard before inserting into the LANstation. All new daughterboards are 80nS, but this may not be the case if you are using a board out of either a Qi or a XEN-S.

It should also be noted that once a daughterboard has been installed, the system will not automatically recognize the exact amount of memory added. It will try to, and may possibly get it right, but 9 times out of 10 the figure will be wrong.

It is up to you to run the Setup/Reference disk and check that the information contained is correct.



Computing for a Connected World