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Hardware I.P.B. 4046 18th October 1990 (MPR)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Daughterboard Installation

See Also
IPB 4022 - IPB 4027 - IPB 4033 - IPB 4044
IPB 4060 - IPB 4066 - IPB 4068 - IPB 4100

It is important to understand that when installing daughterboards into any Apricot computers, such as:-

XEN-S Memory Daughterboards
LANstation Memory Daughterboards
Parallel Printer Port Boards
Qi Memory daughterboards

You MUST make sure that the daughterboard is:-

  1. Inserted with the correct orientation
  2. Fully seated, so that the only part of the pins visible are the shoulders

If the boards are NOT fully seated, unpredictable results can and will occur.

If you are unsure as to the reason of any failure, remove ALL add-in cards and daughterboards in an attempt to clarify the location of the problem.



Computing for a Connected World