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Hardware I.P.B. 4045 16th October 1990 (MPR)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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XEN-S (Venus II) 80387SX Installation

See Also: IPB 4012 - IPB 1026 - IPB 4026 - IPB 4045 - IPB 4085

Some installation shipped with the 80387SX for the XEN-S still only refer to the fitting of the device into a XEN-S I (Venus I).

Although the differences between the Venus I and Venus II motherboards for this installation are minimal, it needs to be made clear that the PAL chip to be replaced IS NOT IC96 , but is instead IC73.

IC73 is located to the right of the two ROM BIOS chips. You will also find that IC96 on the Venus II motherboard is a soldered IC and is therefore not removable.



Computing for a Connected World