Fitting an 80387 to XEN-S
See Also
IPB 4012 - IPB
4026 - IPB 4045 - IPB4085
Both on Venus I and Venus II XEN-S motherboards, the fitting of an 80387
co-processor involves both a daughter-board and a PAL chip.
If the PAL is NOT fitted, the co-processor will be seen by your
application, but its functions will not be available, which will cause any number of
failures. In AutoCAD 386 for example, it has been known to draw extra lines and hang
The correct PAL is located in one of two places:-
- Venus I Motherboard - IC 96
- Venus II Motherboard - IC 73
The standard PAL fitted to the board is labelled VENC096C
This part needs to be exchanged for a PAL labelled VNPC096C
This chip may be sourced from Apricot Spares department quoting:-
- Part number: 12151931