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Single User I.P.B. 1025 25th March 1991 (CD)
Department Category Implementation
DOS Apps Software Advisory
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PARKER on Apricot Petrel (SCSI/ESDI) Card

On the new MCA machines using the Apricot Petrel hard disk controller, PARKER.EXE reports that the hard disk drive can not be parked. PARKER is the Microsoft programme that is only on the Apricot DOS disks to maintain backwards compatibility with the old XEN-i Xi 20 products.

All Apricot hard disk drives since the XEN-i Xi 20 are self parking and do not need the use of PARKER.EXE.

If you need to continue parking hard disk drives manually, you can either use AMODE PA[RK] or the Reference diskette supplied with the machine.



Computing for a Connected World