Windows 3.0 Unrecoverable Application Error
See Also
IPB 2029 - IPB 1015 - IPB 1016
IPB 1030 - IPB 2046 - IPB 2050
IPB 2063 - IPB
2078 - IPB 2086
This error is produced only in Standard or Enhanced mode with Windows
3.0, and indicates that an application has caused a protection violation, e.g. has tried
to write to a memory space to which it does not have access.
If you receive this error, the Windows 3 system will be unstable until
you Exit and re-boot the system. After one application has caused this error, running
further applications before re-booting may also display the same error, even though they
are not the cause.
Possible common causes of these errors are:
- Running a Windows 2 application in Standard or Enhanced mode. Unless the
application was developed for Windows 3 Enhanced mode, WIN /R should be used.
- Selecting an incorrect machine type or network when setting up Windows 3.
3Com 3+Open, Banyan Vines, LAN Manager and IBM PC LAN environments must be specifically
set up in Windows otherwise errors may occur.
- Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs in Config.sys or Autoexec.bat
may not be supported by Windows 3. Temporarily remove suspect lines from these files and
re-test Windows until the problem driver is found.
- A page-mapping conflict between adapters and Windows 3. Try running in
WIN /S mode, the error should not occur. If this is the case, add the line
EMMExclude=A000-EFFF to the SYSTEM.INI file in the [386ENH] section.
- Incorrect versions of DOS may cause the error; you must not have anything
other than Apricot MS-DOS version 3.30 or later. If you have a machine with DOS 3.2 or
earlier, although the machine may work, Apricot will not support the system until it is
updated with Apricot MS-DOS 3.30 or later.
- If you are running in a low memory environment or doing some DDE (Dynamic
Data Exchange) operations, contact your Windows supplier.
There are no particular Apricot issues with this error and under no
circumstances should a machine be returned due to Unrecoverable Application Errors
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