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Single User I.P.B. 1015 15th June 1990 (CD)
Department Category Implementation
DOS Apps Software Advisory
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Windows 3.0 on Apricot Computers

See Also
IPB 2029 - IPB 1016 - IPB 1024
IPB 1030 - IPB 2046 - IPB 2050
IPB 2063 - IPB 2078 - IPB 2086

As you have already heard from IPB 2029, Windows 3.0 is an enhanced Graphical Interface for MS-DOS. Running Windows 3.0 on any IBM compatible Apricot computer should present little problem.

The Apricot version of Windows 3 is now shipping, and gives support for the Apricot Trackerball Mouse and Micro-Screen Keyboard. If you require these facilities, you must buy the Apricot version. If, however, you require none of the above then the Microsoft version will work successfully. These specific drivers will also be made available on the Apricot Insight BBS for people who have purchased the Microsoft version.

Apricot's version of Windows also includes a mouse free of charge. For XEN-i and XEN-S systems you must order the AT product (SE45768) which includes a 9 pin serial mouse, and for the Qi and VX FT range you must order the MCA product (SE45767) which includes an IBM PS/2 style mouse. A Windows 2 to Windows 3 upgrade product is also available (SO44834), but you must provide proof of purchase before shipping (this product does NOT include a mouse).

The README.TXT file and the Microsoft manual for Windows 3.0 mentions Apricot computers as requiring special device drivers as supplied by Apricot Distributors. This paragraph refers to the Apricot Trackerball Mouse and Apricot Micro-Screen keyboard drivers described above.

The only 'feature' you may experience with Windows 3.0 on Apricot equipment is with the program SWAPFILE.EXE. Every time Windows is started in enhanced mode, it creates a swap file on the hard drive. It is possible to speed Windows up by running a program called SWAPFILE.EXE from the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, which creates a permanent swap file on your hard disk. The program must be run whilst in 'real' mode (win /r), and needs to find a sector size of 512 bytes, which Apricot changed to get over the 32MB partition problem with DOS 3, meaning that on a DOS 3.x disk with a partition greater than 32MB, SWAPFILE will NOT run. The solution is to use MS-DOS 4 (4.01) or a DOS 3.x partition smaller than 32MB.

If you are using either AMLOAD.EXE or AMLOADDV.EXE to load TSRs or drivers high, then you must ensure that you use versions 4.02.01 and 1.01.01 or later respectively. These drivers are currently only beta releases, but as soon as they are released, they will be available for download on the Apricot Insight BBS.



Computing for a Connected World