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Single User I.P.B. 1030 24th June 1991 (KH)
Department Category Implementation
DOS Apps Software Advisory
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Microsoft Windows 3.0 Screen Drivers

See Also
IPB 2029 - IPB 1015 - IPB 1016
IPB 1024 - IPB 2040 - IPB 2050
IPB 2063 - IPB 2078 - IPB 2086
IPB 2118

Installing a Standard VGA Driver

When installing Windows 3 for the first time, care should be taken when selecting an appropriate screen driver. The default option is VGA 640*480*16, which is suitable for ALL Apricot systems with standard VGA or enhanced VGA capability. The driver 'Apricot 640*480*16 (For All Monitors)' should NOT be used unless the system is equipped with ENHANCED VGA, as it is written especially for the enhanced chip set and will not correctly display a mouse cursor when used with standard VGA systems.

Mouse Pointer Fix for Enhanced VGA

Users running Windows 3 with Enhanced VGA may notice that the colour of the mouse pointer changes periodically for no apparent reason. Whilst this is rather interesting, it has only presented a problem when the fill colour has changed to white and the cursor has been difficult to see.

In Area 6 of the Insight BBS there is now a file called CURSOR.ZIP. This contains the following three drivers which display the mouse cursor correctly:

W3L768.DRV Apricot 1024*768*16 (for <20 inch Monitors)
W3L768B.DRV Apricot 1024*768*16 (for >20 inch Monitors)
W3P480.DRV Apricot 640*480*256 (for ALL Monitors)

As these drivers replace the existing enhanced VGA drivers, there is no special installation required. Simply copy each of the three drivers into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory and run Windows as normal.



Computing for a Connected World