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Networking I.P.B. 2046 12th November 1990 (RTP/JK)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software Mandatory
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Diskless & Single floppy workstations running Windows 3 on VX-Net

We have recently discovered a problem using the above configuration on a machine with more than 1MB of memory, when running in 386 enhanced mode. If a workstation previously configured with HIMEM.SYS in its config.sys and then "WIN / 3" is run, the workstation will appear to hang upon exiting windows.

If a mono screen is used, the following message is displayed;

NET806: Netbios commond limit exceeded
Abort, Retry, Fail?

If a colour monitor is used, no message will be displayed; in either case (Colour or Mono Monitor) pressing "F" four times returns the machine to the DOS prompt with no apparent ill effects, and running "WIN/3" again at this point will continue without further error - because windows itself has now disabled the swapfile. Re-booting the machine starts the cycle once more.

This problem only occurs on VX-NET IF a swapfile on a network drive is used. A fix to this problem is to disable the swapfile function within the "SYSTEM.INI" file, by inserting the following line into the "[386Enh]" section;


Other functions of enhanced mode are unaffected.

N.B. 386 enhanced mode is not the default mode for this hardware configuration. If just "WIN" with no switches is run, then windows 3 will run in standard mode ("/S"). It should be pointed out that the use of a network swapfile, will;

1. Reduce performance of the workstation
2. Result in extra disk space on the fileserver being used unnecessarily.

We would therefore NOT recommend the use of a network swapfile, regardless of the type of network used.

Apricot R&D are however investigating the problem with VX-NET.



Computing for a Connected World