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Networking I.P.B. 2047 16th November 1990 (JK)
Department Category Implementation
DOS Apps Software Mandatory
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Installing Sytos Plus for DOS on a VX FT with a DDS (DAT) Tape Drive

The following procedure details the method of installing SYTOS PLUS on a VX FT server with a DDS (DAT) tape drive running MS-DOS:

  1. Run the install program from the Sytos plus diskette.
  2. Select the directory where the software will be installed.
  3. The device drivers menu will then appear. You must select the ASPI DAT Module driver for the DDS (DAT) tape drive in the VX FT.

The software will then be copied onto the hard disk.

Before rebooting the machine you must add a device driver to the CONFIG.SYS file, as follows;


This driver checks for the presence of the tape hardware.

This procedure completed, a backup can then be performed.


You should be using the following software versions (or later):

ASPI4DOS.SYS version 2.0
SYTOS PLUS version 1.10



Computing for a Connected World