The Enhanced Apricot Security Pack
See Also
IPB 1018 - IPB 1034 - IPB 1039
IPB 1041 - IPB 1043 - IPB 1044
IPB 2056 - IPB
4005 - IPB 4013
IPB 1020
The Enhanced Apricot Security Pack has today been released. It is the
same as release 4 with several important additions. Please note that as this release 7 is
an all-new product (not a bug fix), there will not be a free of charge upgrade from
previous versions.
New Features
Block Encryption allows the user to add a "system seed" to
both floppy and hard disk drives which is used to scramble all stored data. This means
that the disk can only be read by a machine with the same seed, thus allowing company or
department wide compatibility of disks. If a disk should however go outside that group, it
would be unreadable by any other system. Adding encryption to the floppy drive also
prevents the unwanted introduction of viruses or games via the floppy. When encryption is
applied to floppy disks, only the Master user can create an unencrypted floppy for
external release; any disks not formatted on a machine with that seed will be unreadable.
Only the Master user can temporarily disable the encryption to read a floppy (such as
commercial software) from outside the group.
Password History prevents the user from using the same password over and
over again. For users who change password too often or too seldom, the master can specify
the number of days between each change. Password History then ensures they don't use the
same password twice.
Supported Hardware
LANstation 20*, Qi 386SX-16, Qi 386-25, Qi 486-25, VX FT, FTs.
Please note that a card allowing a free of charge upgrade of the
Security Processor and the ROM BIOS is included in the pack, and must be returned for the
use of these enhanced features.
* LANstation machines do not support Password History or Minimum
Password Lifetime as the Security Processor is a soldered component. Setting the floppy
disk drive to Read Only will result in the floppy drive being disabled completely and
set-up errors occurring on soft reboot.
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